Misi Tercapai pada hari ke-21!

Ong Wai Onn

Contact Number: 
+60 19 660 0450
cocktail testing, fishing, toasting.

Greeting to all viewer, my full name is Cheyenne Custer Ong Wai Onn. I am not from America but pure Malaccan. My buddies do not call me by my first name because hard to pronounce-lah. So they call me Wai Onn.

After all this year abroad, this “brother” of mine finally came home for good but had been influenced by the “Mat Salleh” and their culture. They have all kinds of crazy sports and ideas for their personal accomplishment.

When he told us about the trip, I thought he was joking and we had a good laughter about our short stamina, beer bellys and aging drum sticks. Well, this is for a good course and we will definitely support him.

Bravo brother, I know that this will not be the last but only the beginning.

God Bless Malaysia!



Specially Thanks

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