Misi Tercapai pada hari ke-21!

Ho Meng

Contact Number: 
+60 12 638 8230

To begin, I shall introduce myself, my full name is Hee Ho Meng or some people like to call me, " Hee Man, Master of Universe..ha ha... However, currently no stamina if I want to join our " Sifu" Bro Frankie on his mission on "Cuti- cuti Malaysia" with his trishaw, maybe I need some intensive training to bulid up my stamina.

It looks easy for someone who think to ride a trishaw is like riding your bicycle. You are wrong... it needs power and balance like Ying 'n' Yang to ride the trishaw. As a team player, I wish more people will join him with his mission and to make this journey a successful and meaningful esp. for a good course.

Our "sifu" from those days are very kindhearted and adventurous such as climbed Mt Ophir many many times, cycled from Melaka to JB etc... We were part of his crazy activities, those days No problem! ...we were young and gila (crazy) and NO WORRIES!!!... Now at nearly 40 yrs old, we need to make sure we're well prepare if we want to join him.

So lastly, whoever read this, kindly support our sifu with kind donation or be part of it and to make his journey a successful one for a good cause and for his beloved ah ma...If everthing turns up well, it will motivate him to do even more in the future. MAY GOD BLESS HIM...


Specially Thanks

  • Ray of Hope - The sun brightens up all things...
  • Road BlogG - The passionate life of a hobbyist...
  • Meng Chwen Blog - Scattered Seeds from Swirls...
  • SBM Malaka - Pertubuhan Orang Cacat Penglihatan Malaysia (SBM) adalah sebuah pertubuhan...

(More to go...)