Misi Tercapai pada hari ke-21!

Kevin Charley


Hi everyone. When Frankie offerred me the opporunity to see some of Malaysia's hidden gems by bike, I jumped at the chance. I'm sure my fair skin and intolerance of hot weather will make it an interesting challenge...Shares in sunblock companies may well go through the roof   
It's all for a good cause so what's it they say about only Mad dogs and Trishaw men that go out in the midday sun...Bring it on!


Specially Thanks

  • Ray of Hope - The sun brightens up all things...
  • Road BlogG - The passionate life of a hobbyist...
  • Meng Chwen Blog - Scattered Seeds from Swirls...
  • SBM Malaka - Pertubuhan Orang Cacat Penglihatan Malaysia (SBM) adalah sebuah pertubuhan...

(More to go...)